Rules of Customer Engagement…

Engage or die.

It was a much-used refrain accompanying the rise of social media.

Nearly two decades later, the precipitous decline in organic reach for brands, and challenges around false measurement and fake followers, make this appear just another example of marketing hype.

Yet ironically, engage or die is even more relevant advice today.

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Whatever Happened to Brand Equity…?

Back in my days as a young, thrusting marketer, brand equity was all the rage.

It seemed only a matter of time that the value of the brand would be put on a company’s balance sheet. Once and for all, everyone in the business would recognize just how important branding is.

Thirty years later this still hasn’t happened.

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Brandingsimon uwins
Is Your Brand Friend or Foe...?

Trust. It’s the bedrock on which brands are built.

We assume a brand earns our trust over time by demonstrating it can deliver its promises.

However, a brand has first to pass our snap judgement of whether it’s friend or foe. And this has little to do with the core benefits on offer.

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Brandingsimon uwins